We had our baby. Camille was 8 1/2 weeks early. I started having contractions Saturday night and I was timing them but they were all short and very sporadic. I went to bed and woke up a few times because of contractions so I called the OB in the morning and she said it sounded like I was having a lot and they were close together so I should go into labor and delivery. The thought really had not crossed my mind that I was actually in labor I just thought it was false labor. I had an epidural from the start of my contractions with May so I really had no idea. Anyway, I told Zach just to go to church and teach his lesson and when he got back we could head to the hospital and I could get checked out. By the time he got home around 12 I was in so much pain and having constant contractions. So we headed to the hospital we got there at about 12:40 they took me in and checked me and I was dilated to a 10. Camille Gwen
Scholes was born at 1:10pm 3lbs 4oz 15 inches long. We didn't really get to see her for a while they took her right away through a window into the NICU. P.S. about the labor- Although doing it "natural" was oh so painful I would take it over a C-section any day. I can't believe how much faster the recovery was and how great I felt after the labor was over. She is doing really well so far. She is breathing on her own except for some caffeine because she forgets to breath. She is taking her feedings through a tube but is handling them well so far. (May I just mention I feel like a cow milking myself every 2-3 hours. Zach thinks it's funny too.) She'll be in the NICU for about 8 weeks. I've gotten to hold her twice and both times have just been great. She is such a doll. I can't wait for her to come home. It's so funny how she shouldn't even be here yet and I haven't had her home at all but there is suddenly this huge piece that is missing at our house. Every nurse and doctor we've seen has told us that she is feisty and that that is a good personality to have in the NICU. I will be interested to see if she keeps that personality as she grows up.
May won't be able to see her until she comes home. We've shown her pictures but she thinks they are "baby May May". She has been such a trooper about being dropped off and left so much. I do think she realizes something is going on and I think she's acting out a little bit because of it. Hopefully once we are on a bit of a schedule she'll do a little better. And I'm sure as soon as she sees Camille she is just going to love her and be oh so excited. We've gotten some big sister books at the library and she loves to look through them and point to the older girls and call them May May and then point out the baby sister.
We have had such great support from our family and our ward. It's going to be a long 8 weeks (Actually we are almost down to 7 wahoo!) but I think we're going to be just fine just because we have such a strong support system. I feel so blessed and so greatful to Heavenly Father for giving us such amazing people to look out for us. I am also greatful to him for how well Camille is doing and I know she's being watched over and helped along her way.
oh my gosh, so sweet it makes me want to cry! She is beautiful! I am so glad that she is doing well. and you were AT A 10?! Dang, girl! I will use you as my inspiration next time I try to give birth without the use of medicine. You are amazing! We miss you all.
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable! I am so glad to hear that both of you are doing well. Hang in there and good luck.
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ReplyDeleteI'm happy to see that you guys are doing so well! She's a cutie, congratulations!
ReplyDeleteOh man danny she is amazing!!! I love her already. She is so beautiful. I really hope and pray you are doing and feeling well. Please, please let me know if I can do anything to help. Love and miss you!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulation & she is so beautiful! Second of all, I totally feel your pain! If you need ANYTHING let me know! I know lots about the NICU, if you need a friend or someone to sit with you for a little while let me know. I know how those long hours in the hospital can be. Much love! Praying all goes well & she can come home soon!
ReplyDeleteYou are incredible! I am so proud of you! And I will agree that she is a feisty one if she is already breathing on her own and doing so well. She must have been so excited to come meet you guys that she thought you wouldn't mind if she came a bit early. Camille is such a beautiful name too. I could see why May thinks it is her. They look so much alike! If you need anything at all, I hope you know that we would love to help out! Congrats again!
ReplyDeleteSooooo cute! I love her already! Congratulations on the new part to your awesome family. We love you all! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!