Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Exciting News

We have had such a busy December but I can't get pictures up so I'll have to post about it later. But I have some exciting news... drum roll please...
We finally got a house! Can I get a woot woot?!?
This is the house we have been waiting for. It is by far our favorite one that we have looked at in our few years of searching and really has everything we wanted. My favorite parts include the large kitchen with plenty of cupboard and pantry space, the media loft to keep all the toys in, more than one bathroom, a wall that is purely bookshelf, a 2 car garage for poor Zach who has let me have the covered parking space for 4 long years, and the thing I'm most excited about (which really is quite sad) a back yard to let the dog out in. That's right. No more tramping out in the snow in my PJ's with the whole complex watching, and no one can fine me for not picking up the dog poop right away. Not to mention not having to deal with other irresponsible people's dog's poop.


  1. HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am SOOO happy for you!!! It's about time! I will miss you greatly though.... Sad story for me. (but we got one too!!:))
    Iam so happy for you! COngrats!

  2. That's awesome congrats!

  3. Wow! That's sooooo great! You guys really deserve a nice house. I'm so excited for you, but I will miss having you next door. We will definitely have to come visit.

  4. Okay, I have tried to comment on this like 3 times and it won't let me! CONGRATS! so excited for you and can't wait to see pictures!

  5. YAY! I had no idea! Man we need to all get together. I can't wait to see it!
